Trans Global Maritime Agency CAREERS | Shipping Jobs Vacancy | Filipino

📁 Jobs Insights
  • Company : Trans Global Maritime Agency Inc
  • Adress : 2nd & 3rd Floor Electra House, 115 – 117 Esteban, Legazpi Village, Makati, 1229 Metro Manila, Filipina
  • Job Opening : All Ranks Ships to Few of Vessel Type.
  • Deployment : Ongoing Opening | Onwards
  • Location : Philippines.
  • Nationality : Any Nationality.
  • Wages : Unshown.
  • Bonus : Internet Onboard & Much More.
  • Total Jobs :
📁 Requirements [Condition of Employments]
  • Ready Valid US Visa.
📁 Job Opening : Trans Global Maritime Agency Inc
Now Hiring Vessel TypeLocation
MasterFew Type of VesselFilipino
Chief OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Chief MateFew Type of VesselFilipino
Second OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Second MateFew Type of VesselFilipino
Third OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Third MateFew Type of VesselFilipino
Junior Deck OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Junior OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Chief EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Second EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
1ST Asst EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Third EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
2ND Asst EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Fourth EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
3RD Asst EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Safety OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Junior EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Gas EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electronic OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Sr. Electrical EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electrical EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electrican 1Few Type of VesselFilipino
Electrican 2Few Type of VesselFilipino
Electrican 3Few Type of VesselFilipino
ElectricanFew Type of VesselFilipino
Reefer EngineerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electrical OfficerFew Type of VesselFilipino
Deck CadetFew Type of VesselFilipino
Senior PumpmanFew Type of VesselFilipino
PumpmanFew Type of VesselFilipino
Senior BosunFew Type of VesselFilipino
Able SeamanFew Type of VesselFilipino
Ordinary SeamanFew Type of VesselFilipino
Deck BoyFew Type of VesselFilipino
Deck TraineeFew Type of VesselFilipino
Engine CadetFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electrical CadetFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electrical Engineer CadetFew Type of VesselFilipino
FitterFew Type of VesselFilipino
OilerFew Type of VesselFilipino
MotormanFew Type of VesselFilipino
WiperFew Type of VesselFilipino
Engine BoyFew Type of VesselFilipino
Engine TraineeFew Type of VesselFilipino
Electrical TraineeFew Type of VesselFilipino
Chief CookFew Type of VesselFilipino
CookFew Type of VesselFilipino
Second CookFew Type of VesselFilipino
CAT-OSFew Type of VesselFilipino
2ND StewardFew Type of VesselFilipino
StewardFew Type of VesselFilipino
Catering TraineeFew Type of VesselFilipino
Catering BoyFew Type of VesselFilipino
MessboyFew Type of VesselFilipino
Messman TraineeFew Type of VesselFilipino
Catering StaffFew Type of VesselFilipino
Galley AssistantFew Type of VesselFilipino
Fisherman 2Few Type of VesselFilipino
Fisherman 1Few Type of VesselFilipino
FishermanFew Type of VesselFilipino
StewardessFew Type of VesselFilipino
Other RankFew Type of VesselFilipino

Be Concern : If you need discover for current job opening, Click bellow to redirecting current opening trought agency portal center.


📩 Submit Application [Enter your resumes here]
☎ Getting In Touch [Connecting with the Company now] 
📥 How to Apply  [Steps to Apply]

To apply for this position, you must provide a complete Application Package. See required documents below.

  1. Complete your document file – Make sure your document suits with qualification required.
  2. Submit your resumes – Just one click the apply button at the table and submit for application.
  3. Wait on your application – Candidate are suits will get respon on their application.
🔍How you Will be Evaluated?

All information included in the resume and Occupational Questionnaire is subject to review and verification.

HR will review your resume and supporting documentation to ensure you meet the minimum qualification requirements.

Applicants meeting the minimum requirements will be further evaluated based upon information you provided in the Occupational Questionnaire.

📩 Submit Application – If suitable jobs you’re looking does’nt axist.

Click and Submit or fill-up detail and submit :


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